This should be a short one. So Ansible has dynamic inventories however I’ve found it a bit slow with VMware if you have a lot of infrastructure to parse through (a lot being around 3,000 VMs in your vCenter and slow being around 15 minutes). I also couldn’t figure out a way to use tags to limit what you’re searching on. This admittedly could have changed recently but since I’ve been using this method I haven’t tried too hard to find out. However, if you’re running in a pipeline, you can just have Terraform generate a static inventory for Ansible to use during the pipeline.
To do this you just need to use the local_file
provider with the template_file
data source. So for a simple example we could just use our output variables from our module in our template.
module "testing" {
#misc module variables
data "template_file" "inventory" {
template = file("./inventory.tpl")
vars = {
servers = "${join("\n", formatlist("%s ansible_host=%s", module.testing.server_names, module.testing.server_ips))}"
resource "local_file" "ansible_inventory" {
content = "${data.template_file.inventory.rendered}
filename = "./inventory"
Obviously tailor the module name and output variable names to the correct ones. If you output an FQDN then you don’t need the ip addres and ansible_host
in the inventory. Rinse and repeat for however many groups you want.